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Industry - Editorial

Best Calculator Brands

Electronic calculators, the pioneers of the electronic age, are not as popular as they used to be, but the best calculator brands continue to develop and offer calculators.

Friday, October 27, 2023
Best Calculator Brands

Best Calculator Brands

Industry - Editorial

by Beren Dere

Calculators are still part of our lives as the most practical and reliable calculation method. For thousands of years, we have been using different tools to make calculations. The process, which started with bones and stone pieces, took a big step with the abacus developed by the Sumerians. Despite the 4,500 years passed, abacus remains one of the most basic tools of mathematics education in primary schools.

As in every field, inventions were made about calculation methods that made life easier. The mechanical calculator, thought to have been developed in 1623, was a milestone. Designed and produced in many different forms over the years, mechanical calculators have become one of the most used tools in both science and trade.

Technological advances enabled the calculator to be converted into electronic form, and its first precursors appeared in the 1940s and 1950s. In 1957, the world's first all-electric compact calculator was launched. Since then, the competition among the best calculator brands has been going on. The race to make it smaller, more functional, and faster led to the constant development of calculators. In this competition, which has been going on for more than half a century, many companies that do not exist today have taken part and made important contributions. However, the best calculator brands, which are the leading actors in this development, still maintain their leadership.

The calculators that put the LCD screen into our life have a wide range of applications, from calculating basic mathematical operations to performing difficult trigonometric and statistical calculations. Scientific calculators and graphing calculators have been engineers' primal assistants for many years, and are still the most practical solution. Calculators, which never lose their place on the table and are ready for use at any time, still offer the most practical solution for many of us.

The best calculator brands offer a wide range of products, from the simplest models to the most complex and advanced calculators. I've put together the best calculator brands and listed them for you. Electronic calculators, one of the pioneers of the digital age, were doing most of the calculating work before the use of computers became widespread, and contributed greatly to the advancement of science and engineering over the years. The best calculator brands, some specializing in advanced calculators, some offering solutions for all types of users, are still resisting smart devices and computers.

Table of Contents
Best Calculator Brands
Best Calculator Brands

Best Calculator Brands - Casio
Best Calculator Brands - Casio

Texas Instruments
Best Calculator Brands - Texas Instruments
Best Calculator Brands - Texas Instruments

Best Calculator Brands - Canon
Best Calculator Brands - Canon

Best Calculator Brands - HP
Best Calculator Brands - HP

Best Calculator Brands - Sharp
Best Calculator Brands - Sharp

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