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War is never just on the front. From the outside, war may seem like it consists of the bullets fired by soldiers on the front and the grenades they throw at each other, but it is definitely not like that. What makes war a war is tactics and intelligence. If you don’t have a war tactic and the necessary intelligence, you have no chance of winning the war. This is where intelligence gatherers come into play. In other words, as we all know better, Spies. Spies sometimes work just ahead of the front, and sometimes far away in enemy territory. Although war is generally seen as a man’s job, women have played the most important roles in world wars, both in logistics provided to the front and in intelligence. Whether they are chasing Enigma at Bletchley Park or in the deepest reaches of the enemy country, these heroes whose names we don’t even know have changed the course of wars. Female spy movies, where the life stories of these brave women who do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for their country are reflected as real or fictional stories, are masterpieces that every cinema and history enthusiast should watch, even if they do not have the place they deserve in Hollywood. Let's take a look at these movies that tell us how painful a hot or cold war is and how much is lost in this cause.
Monday, January 13, 2025 - by Nil Tarhan