Discoveries are the most exciting adventures that push the boundaries of human history. Great explorers who traveled all around the world have left their mark on history by pushing both geographical boundaries and human imagination. Marco Polo, one of the leading figures of the Middle Ages, strengthened the trade routes and cultural connections that brought the riches of Asia to Europe on his journey from Italy to Mongolian lands. In the 15th century, Christopher Columbus's discovery of America was a turning point that reshaped the world map and history. During the same period, Ferdinand Magellan led the first completed journey around the world, allowing us to understand the true dimensions and unknowns of the globe. Ernest Shackleton, known for his brave explorations of the Arctic and Antarctic regions, pushed the boundaries of human will and determination and led great discoveries about glaciers at the cost of his life. In the modern age, space exploration has opened a new page. Explorations are no longer limited to Earth. In the coming age, many space people and researchers will discover brand-new planets and shape the future of humanity. Although the explorations that started for spices and silk seem to have ended with the new world, that new world is now in the past. Brave explorers for brand-new worlds continue to write human history every day and will continue to do so. Here are the most famous explorers in history, which one made your favorite discovery?
Thursday, January 23, 2025 - by Mehmet Kaplan