Every invention since the first day of human existence is actually a revolution. The fact that the simplest inventions that seem very ordinary have brought humanity to such a point cannot be ignored. There are some inventions that touch the lives of very few people, while there are others that affect the entire world. The industry of each era should be evaluated considering its own period. Almost all the revolutionary designs in ancient times have remained anonymous. For example, the invention of the wheel. However, today, there are owners of designs that provide industrial developments, and their names will be written in history books. These people are the owners of designs that take humanity further. What I am talking about is not just designing a stylish kitchen appliance or a bicycle. Being innovative means opening new horizons for humanity. Inventions such as the printing press, steam engines, and the internal combustion engine have all emerged as a result of innovative designs. Faster cars, data processing products that take up less space, and dryers that give off higher heat are all works of industry, and there is a designer who imagines and creates each of these. Thanks to these designers who direct our lives and make them easier, we can now realize many dreams in our daily lives. Here are the greatest industrial designers of all time.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 - by Mehmet Kaplan